Thursday, January 20, 2011

Deccan Chronicle - Hyderabad Chronicle 20th Jan, 2011

Are you a lion or a scorpion?

The internet frenzy over the discovery of the 13th sign of the zodiac has pleased sceptics and confused believers across the country. One day you might think you are doing badly because your sign is under the negative influence of Mars, but suddenly you discover your zodiac is that of the class topper! Astronomers and astrologers, however, reveal that they have known about this for a long time -roughly 3,000 years. N.
Raghunandan Kumar, general secretary of the Planetary Society of India says, "The ancient people knew about this.
And the scientific And the scientific community obviously knew about it." He informs that the reason the 13 zodiacs calendar wasn't used was for the sake of convenience, adding, "If calculations are based on wrong observations, how can the prediction be accurate? It is a good lesson for people not to blame fate." But believers are not so happy. "I like reading my horoscope. It makes me feel good when I read something nice in the astro pages," laments a confused R.


Sanoop. "Some predictions do come true and now it seems the basis of all predictions is false!" Rahool Chimnani, meanwhile, was already puzzled about his zodiac because of the differences in Indian and Western astrology. "Now I don't know if I am a Cancer or a Taurus. This whole astrology thing is already very confusing," he says. "I have different zodiac signs according to Indian and Western astrology Western astrology already. If these new developments are to be believed, I have two zodiacs now."
But many people have come to love their zodiac and are rejecting the revelations.
Pratiksha, who loves using the loves using the Facebook astrological applications, says, "I am a Capricorn, but according to this new thing it seems I am a Sagittarius. But I refuse to believe in this." Pratiksha asserts that she only reads the Capricorn predictions in newspapers, adding, "I think I am a Capricorn because I see characteristics of a Capricorn in me. Most people won't accept that they have a different zodiac now."

 u can read my article in D.C.-Hyderabad Chronicle dt.20th Jan or c or Also another article on 12 Jan 2011 in Sakshi paper-Family Edition or c at

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